Last Sunday in Rhode Island and other states, a big blizzard came.
Here are some picture from Sunday:
This is a hill we sled on.
This picture is part of our driveway.
We had a GREAT time!
Happy Birthday!!!
We can't wait to decorate it.
What holiday do you celebrate? Take the poll at the top of the page on the right hand side.
Happy Holidays!
That was the last time we will rake leaves for this year. Soon we'll be shoveling snow!
Be CrEaTiVe!!!!
I'll post pictures of the faces I painted on Halloween.
Be crEAtiVE
I've been so busy being creative that I have not had time on go on my blog!
So keep reading this blog.
There are three posts you need to check out!
-Annie...........too busy being creative! ;)
Jack, my brother approves this drink!!
be creative.
Which one is your favorite one?
Keep being creative