That's it for now....................CrEaTiVe................ :)
Tommorow is my Grandma's birthday so I will write about that!
Until then................ Be Creative!!!!!
Today my dad and I ran a 5k running race sponsered by CVS.
My dad ran 3 and a half miles and I ran less than a mile.
Here is a video I took of my dad running and a friend we knew right behind him:
And I call these 2 pictures Super Mom and Super Dad:
Thats it for now!!!!
Dessert was the best part!!
I made a towel for a woman's daughter that my dad works with. It's a great gift. Her name is Aria and she is a month and a half old. I saw a picure of her and she's sooo cute.
This is a picture of me sewing it:
The thread matches my nails(he he)!!!
So far this is how much I got done:
That's it for today.