Welcome To My Day The Creative Way

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-Annie :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Gramp!

Yesterday we celebrated my Gramp's birthday.
We had a great time!
I loved the cake. It was so yummy!
I thought it colorful with the sprinkles!
Happy Birthday Gramp!

Making Crayons

Today we made crayons with a crayon maker. You take crayon bits and put them in the crayon maker to make new crayons.
Here is how the crayons started:
Then they slowly melted.
Then we had to pour the wax into the mold..........
..........and they cooled as crayons!

It was very fun to do!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Yesterday I had a lollipop that was shaped like lips.
Then I noticed as I licked it, it changed colors.........................................

...................until it was gone.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Yesterday was Valentines Day. Valentines Day reminds me of hearts so I decided to do a post on hearts.
I went around my house and found some things that had hearts on them.
This is an album.
This is a pillow.
This is a quilt.
And this is my piggy bank.
I love Valetines Day!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011


A few days ago it was Groundhog Day. Every year that I can remember the Phil (the groundhog ) has seen his shadow, so I thought this year wouldn't be any different. But it was different.
This year the groundhog didn't see his shadow. I'm really happy.
I think this animated groundhog is sooooo cute! Do you?
If Phil didn't see his shadow...........then that means early Spring!!
That means no more of this.....
And a lot more of this!
I LOVE spring!

P.S. If you comment tell if you like or do not like Spring and why.