Welcome To My Day The Creative Way

Welcome to my blog!!!!!
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-Annie :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tye-Dye Towel

A few days ago I made a tie-dyed paper towel. All I did was color it with marker and then dabbed water on it. Then I recolored it and dabbed just a little bit of water on it again to give it extra color. You can see in this picture how it all blended in with water.

That's it for now....................CrEaTiVe................ :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Grandma's Birthday

Happy Birthday Gram!!!

Yesterday we celebrated my Grandma's Birthday.My aunt and cousin came over and we went to Gregg's for lunch.
Then when they left, my mom,Jack,Gram,Gramp and I had dinner at my house.

We had Boston Cream pie for dessert.
Then Gram opened some cards........
and presents.
She got a turtle neck shirt and a sweater.
Then I made a headband out of the ribbon and Jack threw away the wrapping paper by playing basketball.
Be creative.....................HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Another Awesome Race

Today I had another cross-country race.
I came in 38th place with a time of 11 minutes out of 107 6th grade girls.
Here's my lucky number!

Tommorow is my Grandma's birthday so I will write about that!

Until then................ Be Creative!!!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

CVS 5K Race

Today my dad and I ran a 5k running race sponsered by CVS.
My dad ran 3 and a half miles and I ran less than a mile.
Here is a video I took of my dad running and a friend we knew right behind him:

And here's my mom's cousin.
Here's family friends:

And I call these 2 pictures Super Mom and Super Dad:

Thats it for now!!!!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Creative Project

Did you ever have a teacher that was the best one that anyone could ever have? I have one just like that this year. Her name is Mrs. Z. She has her own website: http://wadd.tripod.com/index.html
Anyway, she made up a social studies project for landforms. Out of clay, we have to make four landforms and paint them. then we have to look up some info on them. It is an awesome report and I'm almost done with it!

If you comment, write about your favorite taecher (or nun).

Be CREATIVE every day!!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Friend Cook Out

Two days ago we got some friend together and had a cook out.

Jack and his friend played from day time............................

To night time.

Dessert was the best part!!


Family Golf

Yesterday my whole family went golfing. We had a great time!
Jack hit the ball really good.

Here's my mom.
And I even got some driving lessons!
My dad is trying to find Jack's ball
What a beautiful day at the golf course!
Be CrEaTiVe.................................. ;D

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Hurrican and the Two Days After

Never be too prepared for anything. A lot of people were too prepared for hurrican Earl. It just missed New England so we didn't get a lot of rain. There is a short video of hurrican Earl that I made. Check it out!

Then came the day after. It was a beautiful day!!!
And today................I made a skirt.
The clothes don't go together so I'm gonig to change.
That's it for now................................. Be creative!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baby Towel

Phew! I just came back from cross-country and ran a mile because it was so hot. I'm up to three miles now.
Over the week I've done a few things. Here's one of them:

I made a towel for a woman's daughter that my dad works with. It's a great gift. Her name is Aria and she is a month and a half old. I saw a picure of her and she's sooo cute.

This is a picture of me sewing it:

The thread matches my nails(he he)!!!

So far this is how much I got done:

That's it for today.


School Starting

Today I am writing from school!! I won't be writing as much as I used to!!!
I'll post again soon!!!!
