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-Annie :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baby Towel

Phew! I just came back from cross-country and ran a mile because it was so hot. I'm up to three miles now.
Over the week I've done a few things. Here's one of them:

I made a towel for a woman's daughter that my dad works with. It's a great gift. Her name is Aria and she is a month and a half old. I saw a picure of her and she's sooo cute.

This is a picture of me sewing it:

The thread matches my nails(he he)!!!

So far this is how much I got done:

That's it for today.


1 comment:

  1. Your nails look AWESOME and the baby is going to love being wrapped up in her personalized towel! # miles, you Go Girl!! I am so proud of you Annie and definitely want to run with you one day. So glad all is going well at school, home and on the track. Stay Happy
    Love, Auntie
    P.S. Be Safe,,stay away from Earl


Please leave a comment -annie :D