Welcome To My Day The Creative Way

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-Annie :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I accidentally deleted my Google account and I just got it back last night. My blog had been down for a week.
Thank you for your patience!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dresses 2

Here are my next 2 favorite dresses. They are wedding dresses because I'm going to a wedding today:

I will try to post tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dresses 1

For 7 days I will post my 2 favorite dresses of the day!
Here are my 2 favorite today:

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hurricane Irene Damage

First of all, the title for this post, Hurricane Irene Damage, is a really bad name for this post because there was really no damage where we lived at all. I just couldn't come up with a better title! :)

The hurricane only made twigs and leaves come down. Maybe a few trees in our town. Here is our backyard after with tried to clear most of it out:
Here is down the street. what you might think is a tree that has fallen down is really just branches from that person's yard.
Here is the other side of the street:
Our power was out from Sunday August 28th at 8:30am to Wednesday August 31st at 12:45am. It wasn't that bad (other than my bother and I freaking out the whole time because we had no Internet or cable!!). Our house was lit with candles and flashlights at night.
Sunday night my brother and my Dad played Scat (a card game). The picture has light because of my camera's flash.
Hopefully this next hurricane, Katia, won't hit us like the weather station is predicting!