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-Annie :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

The New and Improved Desk

Yesterday I finished the desk that I posted 2 posts ago. Now I call it the Touchscreen Desk (of course it doesn't work). There even a portable version so you can study at home.
There's a keyboard that you can type with on the screen. There's also a text book (on the right) and a notebook (on the right side).
Here's a close up on the top.
These are the legs of the desk.
There even a pen to write on the notebook with if you don't want to use the keyboard.
I know this WILL be invented some day............We will have to see!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Today in my neighbor's backyard I saw a male and a female robin birds.
This is the female:
And this is the male:
I also saw a blue jay on the tree.
Birds are so colorful.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Micanical Desk

Today I had to come up with an object that could be made out of somethings that you can recle. I decided to do an electronic desk.
The top of the desk is a touch screen (tissue boxes). On the screen you can look at the text book and the notebook. There is a specail pen to write with or a keyboard.
Inside the desk is a a portable verzoin of the screen.
The legs of the desk are made out of paper towel rolls.

I will take pictures of it when its done!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Duct Tape Flower

Today I learned how to make a duct tape flower. This is how to make it.

  1. Pencil
  2. Roll of duct tape
  3. Sisscors
How to Make:
Take the pencil and roll it up in a piece of duct tape about the size of the pencil.
This is how it should look:
Then cut another piece of duct tape about 2 inches long.
Fold the right side over to the left side leaving a little bit of the sticky side of the duct tape at the bottom.
Then fold the left side down to the right side still leaving a little bit of the sticky side of the duct tape at the bottom.
Then stick it around the pencil.
Keep layering on the petals around the flower until it is full of petals.

Nw you are done.
Try it yourself!!!!!!!!! J J

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hair Elastic Bracelets

A few days ago I learned how to make a hair elastic bracelet.
Here is how to make a hair elastic bracelet.

  • small hair elastics
  • paper clip
How to make:
Gather up any color hair elastics and get a paper clip.
  1. Make a 'u' shape with a hair elastic and slide the 2 loops on the paper clip. Make sure you hold the elastic as a 'u' shape while doing this!
2. Then, put another hair elastic through the 2 loops that are not on the paper clip.
3. Make another 'u' shape with that hair elastic.
4. Keep repeat steps and then slide the last hair elastic onto the paper clip.
Now you can wear it!!!
Here are some different colored ones...........
Try it yourself!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fashion Book

A few days ago I got a book called My Wonderful World of Fashion. It's a book that you can design and color fashion items.
This page is connecting the dots.
On this page I design a necklace.
On this page it tells you how to make a button necklace.
Speaking of buttons..... here is a shoe made out of buttons!!!
I recommend this book for people who LOVE fashion. It keeps me busy for hours!