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-Annie :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Duct Tape Flower

Today I learned how to make a duct tape flower. This is how to make it.

  1. Pencil
  2. Roll of duct tape
  3. Sisscors
How to Make:
Take the pencil and roll it up in a piece of duct tape about the size of the pencil.
This is how it should look:
Then cut another piece of duct tape about 2 inches long.
Fold the right side over to the left side leaving a little bit of the sticky side of the duct tape at the bottom.
Then fold the left side down to the right side still leaving a little bit of the sticky side of the duct tape at the bottom.
Then stick it around the pencil.
Keep layering on the petals around the flower until it is full of petals.

Nw you are done.
Try it yourself!!!!!!!!! J J


  1. hey annie! that is really cool! it would be really awesome if you left the bottom of the pencil uncovered so taht you could use the ductape flower as a pencil! i think i will try it! thanks for the great idea! love ya

  2. Thats what I did when I used a pen!!!


Please leave a comment -annie :D