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-Annie :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

The New and Improved Desk

Yesterday I finished the desk that I posted 2 posts ago. Now I call it the Touchscreen Desk (of course it doesn't work). There even a portable version so you can study at home.
There's a keyboard that you can type with on the screen. There's also a text book (on the right) and a notebook (on the right side).
Here's a close up on the top.
These are the legs of the desk.
There even a pen to write on the notebook with if you don't want to use the keyboard.
I know this WILL be invented some day............We will have to see!!!


  1. hey annie! that is a very cool invention! you are soooo creative! it takes a very good imagination to come up with something like that!
    love ya

  2. It's so sad that Steve Jobs didn't get back to you!! :"( Girl you are going to be a millionare! :)



Please leave a comment -annie :D