Welcome To My Day The Creative Way

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-Annie :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Hurrican and the Two Days After

Never be too prepared for anything. A lot of people were too prepared for hurrican Earl. It just missed New England so we didn't get a lot of rain. There is a short video of hurrican Earl that I made. Check it out!

Then came the day after. It was a beautiful day!!!
And today................I made a skirt.
The clothes don't go together so I'm gonig to change.
That's it for now................................. Be creative!!!!


  1. hey banannie! i love the video of the hurricane and your right many people did over prepare! i also love the skirt! it is the same pattern as the sundress you made!
    love ya,

  2. Hi Annie,
    Yes, it was the hurricane that wasn't. Oh well, in the end I'm glad it was just some rain. We stayed in and played cribbage just waiting for the wind to blow and the trees to sway, all that happened was Uncle Dave beat me 2 games and now I want revenge. Love your skirt, great style, love the tapered look. Have a good week at school. Talk to you soon
    Love, Auntie


Please leave a comment -annie :D