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-Annie :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Eve Hike

Yesterday my family and I took a hike.
We saw and did lots of fun things.
In this picture, Jack is trying to throw a snowball at a hole in a post that I was behind. He ended up only hitting the post.This is a picture of a fort Jack and his friend made two years ago. Its still there today.
We saw an evergreen tree all decorated with ornaments.
We climbed this rock. Its bigger than it looks.
This picture is from the top of the rock that we climbed.
When we were walking back, we saw a snowman about a foot tall..........
And next to it a 5 foot snowman. You can see the smaller snowman in the background.
When we were almost out of the woods we saw a beautiful sunset.
Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a pretty cool walk! my mom and I walk through the woods everyday! Happy New Year!


Please leave a comment -annie :D