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-Annie :)

Monday, October 4, 2010


Fall is here in New England..........and its definitely shows that it is here too!

The trees leaves are changing colors........

Jack got a fresh apple from a classmate..............
Apple cider is appearing in stores....................

Pink haired witches are starting to come out for Halloween...................which means yummy candy!
And it looks like one dropped there hat in our yard!!

And I'm starting to warm my feet by the fire.

All of these things mean Fall is here. If you comment, Be sure to eave something that tells you that Fall is here.

KeEp BeInG cReAtIvE

1 comment:

  1. hey annie! i love the fall and it seems like you do too. i love when the leaves change colors! and i absolutely love when the temperature changes and it becomes cooler!
    love ya,


Please leave a comment -annie :D