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-Annie :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) Art Fair

Yesterday I went to the RISD art sale. It was so much fun!
There were a bunch of different booths.I thought that this necklace was so cool so my Mom bought it for me. Its made out of a bottle cap. Ithink it looks so cool with my pink shirt. Speaking of pink...............
Later that night we went to water fire in Providence. It for breast cancer. I got this glow stick there.


1 comment:

  1. hey banannie! i love that necklace it is really cool! i could do without the pink but you know thats just me hehe! i heard that waterfire was hectic that night! i think it is great that they had a waterfire for brest cancer!
    love ya


Please leave a comment -annie :D